Biodesign Pools has won the first price at BCN (Piscina & Wellness Barcelona) for its sustainability.
Biodesign Pools has won the first pool price at BCN for the sustainability of the product for guaranteeing the efficient use of the resources (water, energy, raw materials) and for its respect of the environment during its whole life cycle (production, installation, utilisation, dismantling and recycling). An award for its sustainability, for the environment, its environmental friendliness and bio-essence.
The only protests in terms of environment, which keep the discussion animated, are given by the difficulties in receiving authorisations for the construction of pools, or even cases where the demands are rejected. We should think about it, if our insensitivity is related in some way to the administrative strictness.
When these word are used, normally we refer to a business and certainly not to the sensitivity of humans towards the environment. We often discuss about these subjects during our courses by asking open question to the audience. The answers we receive are a proof of our sensation: people could pave a whole area an nobody would care about it.